Hello everyone!
We are packing/cleaning/baby proofing/etc to get ready to travel! We are getting excited, overwhelmed, and a little nervous :). We know many of you will be praying for us along the way, so we wanted to share our itinerary with you. Also, we welcome you to come to the airport to meet us when we get home! We are asking that everyone meet close to the front desk on the lower level of the Huntsville airport around 9am on Thursday, June 13th. Our flight should land about 8:52am.
Our plans for each day are as follows:
THURSDAY (June 6) : Leave the US!
FRIDAY (June 7): Change planes in Senegal, fly to Guinea Bissau, and travel to the orphanage to MEET OUR BABIES!!
SATURDAY (June 8): Do a few errands in town, including going to the local market. Meet the babies biological family at their village.
SUNDAY (June 9): Spend time at the orphanage. Fly to Senegal tonight. Crash in a local hotel.
MONDAY (June 10): Go to the doctor first thing (requirement for the US Embassy to issue visas). Go to a guesthouse where we will stay the remainder of our time in Senegal.
TUESDAY (June 11): US Embassy appointment. **Please pray we will find favor with them and they will quickly issue visas for the babies so we can catch our flight out the following night.**
WEDNESDAY (June 12): Prayerfully pick up the babies visas to enter the US. (Leave tonight H'ville time)
THURSDAY (June 13): Eaarrrllllyyyy morning we will get on a plane to the US! Arrive in US and hop on another plane. Arrive in HUNTSVILLE, see our beautiful princess, and be together for the first time as a FAMILY OF FIVE!! I imagine we'll be exhausted, but super excited to see our family and friends that await us! Have a praise Jesus dance with loved ones in the airport. :) Head home to crash-- haha.
Please pray for us as we travel, encounter the missionaries and birth family, and as we are questioned and examined at the U.S. Embassy. Please pray for safe travels and for our beautiful princess who will be away from both of her parents for the longest time she's ever had to be. (And, let's be honest, please pray for our mommy and daddy hearts as well!) Pray we will be joyful and a blessing to those we come in contact with.
Thank you, always, for all your giving, prayers, and support you've offered to us the past two years. IT'S FINALLY TIME!
In His Grace,