Monday, October 24, 2011

Where we are now.

Hope all is going well for those reading.  We’ve been busy the past few weeks, but things have been good, and we feel like things are finally moving forward.

We began our home study two weeks ago with our initial interview with the social worker.  Based on our first two meetings, we really like her and feel sure that she will do a great job in creating a fair assessment of our family to present to the immigration officials.  I just had my individual meeting with her (which lasted 2-1/2 hours, I might add).  Kimberly’s turn is next!  When it’s all completed (probably another month or two), we can file our I-600A to USCIS.  That will probably take a few months to process.

About a month ago, we received some information from a friend about a Christian orphanage in Guinea-Bissau, a Portuguese-speaking colony in West Africa.  We have since been in a contact with them and are excited about working with them.  Per Bissau-Guinean law, we cannot legally file anything in-country until June (when we celebrate our 5-year anniversary), but we can continue all the preliminary paperwork.  If all works out, their attorneys can begin the legal process as soon as we exchange our wooden gifts. =)

So based on that timeline (which, who knows what could happen between now and then…), we are looking at traveling sometime next fall!!  The total price will be somewhere around $15,000, and we have already raised almost a third of it.  (Kimberly will bring an update soon about the awesome Pampered Chef party we just had this past weekend.)

One great thing that is coming out of all the paperwork, questionnaires, and interviews is that we are facing many thought-provoking questions and topics.  Issues about family, race, parenting, health, discipline, and belonging that we haven’t really had to sit down and ponder.  It is leading us to all sorts of great books and resources as we try to form a Godly understanding of what all this means.  We can’t be so naïve to think that our lives will be a fairy-tale with no health concerns or attachment issues, and that life will continue as normal.  Our world will change (and is changing) quickly as our perspective grows beyond the microcosm of suburban America into a massive reshaping of what God means by loving the nations.

Here’s an encouraging word from our pastor:

Ten motivations for embracing the heart of God for the nations:
1. We are under divine mandate and commanded to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.
2. Become familiar with the Joshua Project and the Mission to Unreached Peoples websites ( and
3. Pray specifically that God will enlarge your heart for the nations.
4. Read great biographies!
5. Read David Platt’s book Radical!
6. Pray through the Scriptures.
7. Pray through the Valley of Vision.
8. Ask the Lord how he would use you in the great task of going into all the world with the Gospel.
9. Adopt children!
10. Pray for revival and reformation.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support—while it doesn’t necessarily take a village to raise a child, we are thankful for the body of Christ around us for being such an encouraging village!

To God be the glory,

Nathan (and fam)

Friday, September 30, 2011

In Need of Clarity

I love rain...

watching it

listening to it

knowing that God ordained it.

It's raining right now and as I listen, it reminds me that He is in control. Truly, when it storms, that is what I think of: how neat it is that He is causing it to happen. Not a second too soon, not a second too late, but exactly when and how He wants it. The wind blows at the speed He calls it. The rain falls as much or as little as He wants. So neat, so neat that I can fully rest in His arms.. in the midst of any storm. Or presently, all the circumstances that make an adoption come together.

Oh, may I not be like the disciples- frantically waking Christ with worries that He was not taking perfect care of their circumstance. So often that's what happens, isn't it?

I have delayed writing because things keep changing and so far, by God's grace, I have had sweet peace, knowing He is in perfect control.  However, I have to admit that the past couple of weeks have been hard.

Lifeline let us know that we do not make enough extra income per month (in their opinion) to support another child. This was a let down, but just another door closed- one that God ordained. Though I was truly thankful He had answered (as I prayed He would), I was sad. This time was harder than the rest for some reason.

God has been teaching me something lately that I'm embarrassed to say I haven't quite looked at in the exact light before. He's been teaching me that it's not necessarily about the specific circumstances, but rather the journey. To read more about this, click here.

We do have some new doors that seem to be opening, but we are still waiting. Waiting to wake up and hear Him say, "Now." If and/or when that happens is for Him to know and us to learn.

Pray with us. Pray for clarity. 

On a different note, I do have some good news! The ladies Pampered Chef Fundraising Event is October 22nd from 10-12pm. We are serving brunch, hot tea, coffee and juice! There will be door prizes too! Thanks to a sweet lady, Kimberly Pope, we have some fun things planned. 

Come, hear our story, eat, fellowship, shop for those soon-to-be-needed Thanksgiving and Christmas kitchen accessories as well as presents, and support the AMAZING cause of bringing an orphan home.

If you aren't in the Huntsville area, you can still order from this event and a percentage will go to our fund! If you are interested, go here and *be sure to look me up as a host* before placing an order.

Thank you in advance, for all of you who will come with loving hearts to this event (whether you purchase or not) to support us!

Above all, please pray. Pray that our ears, eyes, and hearts will be open to what God is teaching us. Pray that we will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt the direction He would have us take (even if that direction is to take many roads before getting to the destination). This is the journey. May I persevere to the end; may I end well. I will say, no matter where I am, the journey is good. So, so good.

Thanks be to our God.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

His timing, His direction, His provision

Hi everyone! Wow. What a month it's been. As I sit here, trying to organize my thoughts, I am so joyfully reminded that God has been so, so good. My (Kimberly's) testimony so far through this journey has been seeing that my anxiety-ridden, controlling-sin-nature self has been in (almost) perfect peace throughout this whole process! To God be the glory. You know, I just can't explain it. I know it's our sweet Lord who has chosen to bless me with peace and faith to walk this adoption journey, with all of it's typical twists and turns, in peace. "You will keep him in perfect peace, who's mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:3. I am so very thankful for His grace. I wanted to share this as to bring glory to our Lord!

We have so much to update you on. Where to start?... Well, as you know we originally felt a pull toward South Korea as we took the first steps toward obedience in adoption. Then, as you also know, Korea decided to close their doors and things got a little crazy with them allowing certain amounts of children out of the country per year. Therefore, we realized God was closing the door. Next, we talked with some sweet friends about an orphanage in Taiwan they were adopting from. It was more like a private adoption and it was much, much cheaper. We emailed the missionaries who own the orphanage they were adopting from, only to find out their hearts were for families without any children. We did not meet that criteria. Another closed door. Then, at our yard sale (more to come about how it went!), we were greeted by a sweet friend who began talking to us about adopting from Guatemala. After much praying and waiting, we learned that (as perfect as the situation seemed) the U.S. is not currently processing adoptions from Guatemala. We know we serve a big God who holds the keys of the king(s') hearts in His hand to do with what He chooses (Prov. 21:1); however, we felt that this door was tightly shut for now. Maybe will be re-opened for a future adoption... who knows! This girl loves to dream =). 

We are SO thankful for a God who moves the wind (and our hearts) wherever He so chooses. What a big, complex plan He has. Everything that has happened so far has taught us a lot about the process of adoption, as well as bought us time (so-to-speak) to raise enough money to start the process with an adoption agency! We weren't sure that an agency was the way to go (as they are the more expensive route), but now feel very comfortable with it. Although, you never know what God's going to do next- haha! 

One cool thing about this journey so far is the way God has shaped our hearts for ALL of the nations. Both Nathan and I are fine wherever God so calls us to adopt. We have just grown so fond of so many different nations and the orphans in them. Thank you, God, for shaping our hearts to look a little more like Yours. 

Where are we now? Well, we've decided to go with an adoption agency that is close by: Lifeline. They are located in Birmingham and we've already been in contact with the lady who most likely will be doing our homestudy (as we thought the Guatemala adoption was on a roll and went ahead and contacted her). I feel as if we've talked with many people who have gone through this agency (domestically and internationally) and no one has had anything negative to say! We have a peace about selecting Lifeline and are moving forward with our application! We have enough money raised to cover the application fee ($250) and the first steps which includes part of the homestudy ($2700). All we have to do is choose a country.  After looking through the list of countries, there are only two in which we meet the qualifications (age and marriage) and where the orphans are younger than Caitlyn. These are Ethiopia and Uganda. 

We are currently praying about which, if either (to be sure), we will choose. Please pray with us!! Pray for wisdom from our Father as to which He would have us choose.

Now, as if this post weren't long enough(!), I want to give you a quick update on the yard sale! WOW! That's all I can say. We were blessed with so much stuff!! Not only that, but we were also blessed with sweet friends and family who helped. We couldn't have done it without you guys! The Lord provided $2700 (including donations)! Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts- all who donated, all who helped, all who prayed, and all who shopped. God is good. 

In the near future: Pampered Chef Fundraising Party (October 22nd) and a 5K (in November). More details to come! (No worries, you won't have to wait another full month for an update!)

*ALSO* We have lowered our t-shirt prices! Instead of $17/shirt, we are asking $10 + any extra (if any) you can give! We need to sell them ASAP. Please let your friends and family know if you think they'd be interested. Thank you!!

Thank you for your support- even to read our long posts!! Now on to paperwork and more fundraising! Please keep praying!

Oh and, lastly, here's my favorite adoption story of the week: Take a sec to watch it- you'll love it!!

To Him be the Glory,

The Neelys

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Hey everyone! Here's what's going on in our world:


We are swimming in fundraising right now! Praise the Lord for opportunities to raise the money we need to bring home the child He has chosen to his/her forever home.

We are holding a yard sale this weekend (August 5th & 6th)- which we're super excited about! Next up is the fun photography event with Life's Captured Moments on August 27th. This will be such a fun time! Any of you considering coming, this is a great opportunity to have some nice photos at a great price! We are also working toward planning the next two events which will be a Pampered Chef Fundraising Event and a 5K. Both of these will be in the next 3-4 months. If any of you want to run, let us know! I suppose we should start training... AHH. Hehe..

I am also sewing snack bags and pillowcase dresses to help with fundraising! AND let's not forget the t-shirts!!

Whew! Thank you, Lord for all that's going on right now. Surprisingly, our heads are staying above water and I can personally say, I feel so at peace even with everything as hectic as it is. He is so good to meet our needs- physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. We know He will meet all of our needs according to His will. To Him be the glory!!

Here are a few photos of what we've been up to:

Please continue to pray! We're SO SO SO thankful to all of our friends who have prayed, provided, and helped in every way. We have a long road ahead, but the journey is underway! Until next time..

The Neelys

Sunday, July 3, 2011

God is Good.

Hello! (It's Kimberly this time.) This is my first post and I am proud to share some exciting news! We have a t-shirt design!! Whoo-hoo! A good friend, Brad Cockrell, offered to design our shirt for fundraising. He's an artist and we were super excited that he offered his talents! What a blessing. We gave him some ideas and he made an awesome design that we would have never been able to do on our own!! Thanks Brad! 
Here's a peek at the shirt (front and back):

Here is the image close up (keep in mind the colors are reversed on the actual shirt):

We. Love. It. 

Our guess is the shirts will be in and ready to sell in a couple of weeks! So exciting. They will be $17. Please let us know if you'd like to purchase one! We will be selling them at our fundraising events as well.

On a different note:

I feel the need to start with a side story, so bear with me =). The more I walk with the Lord, the more I learn flexibility. When I really learned about flexibility I was on the mission field in Africa. I knew (thanks to some pretty amazing professors- one in particular- *cough* Dr. Wilson) this was needed on the mission field, so I was as prepared as I could possibly be, however I don't think one can ever be fully prepared for what the Lord has in store. How would we fulfill the commandment to "walk by faith" if we could be? Anywho... (can you tell I love theology?) where I am going with this is...

Due to some recent news on South Korea's international adoption program, we have prayerfully decided to look into adopting from another country.

This was a bit hard for us to swallow due to all our researching, praying, and (a very small amount in comparison) paperwork we did that led us to this decision in the first place. BUT- as believers, we sometimes make the decisions we think He's leading us to make and pray, "Not mine, but Your will be done." This time, His will might not be South Korea. That's okay with us. Whatever, namely, "whoever" He wants us to love and cherish is up to Him, not us! Praise the Lord!! He is immutable and perfect in every way- what's better than Him leading!?

So, you ask, what's next? I have one word: FUNDRAISING.

We know from the reply from our agency that whoever we go through (agency wise) or whatever other way the Lord might lead us to go, we need money first. This is a huge step of faith for us (*by His grace*) seeing that we are raising money with no exact path. We are trusting that if He wants us to adopt a child, He will provide the money.

In the meantime, we will pray, research, pray, send emails, pray, fundraise, pray.. you get the point. And... (hopefully sooner, rather than later) do a HOMESTUDY! (More on that later- for those of you who are not familiar with adoption terms.) I have a feeling the homestudy will be nearer than either of us think. After the homestudy, we can apply for grants. Some grants will match (up to a certain amount) what we've raised! Whoohoo. 

Either way, "he owns a cattle on a thousand hills.. and the hills the cattle stand on." -Dr. Rob (one of my professors in college)

I have many more details to share.. soon, my friends. But for now, we ask that you join with us in praying for direction and funds. Thank you so much for your devotion to us, even to read our blogs! What a joy! 

To Him be the glory forever, Amen!

Be blessed,

Kimberly on behalf of The Neely's

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I know it has been awhile since our last post, and so much has transpired since then.  We have a t-shirt design, and those will be ordered this week.  There have been some unforeseen updates from Korea concerning their adoption programs, and we will share that with you in more detail when we can.

But in the meantime, "Home" is recorded, mixed, mastered, and uploaded for your enjoyment and encouragement.  Click the big "home" picture on the right to download to your computer.  We have decided against charging anything to download, but we only ask that you donate $1 if you can. (Use the Donate button on the right sidebar.)  Whether you can donate or not, please pray for us whenever you listen to this song, and I hope the Lord speaks to you through it.

I am setting out on this journey, a trail I've never traveled, a sea I've never sailed.
This road was laid before me to build my faith and trust in You.

You have paved this path for me, and though it is hard at times, You're guiding me.
You've converged this road with one of a little child
Who needs Your love, who needs Your hope,
And who needs to feel at home in Your arms.

No matter where we're from, we come and leave the same.
The Fall has taken hope from us, and life is not in reach
But You came down to us and embraced us into Your family.

This calling could be hard, but would it please You that this cup would pass from me?
Still, not as I will, but as You will.

Thank you to Will and Thomas Neely for your help on the recording.

We really appreciate your continued prayer, support, and encouragement.

In Christ,

The Nathan Neelys

Monday, May 9, 2011

Adopted for Life

One book that Kimberly and I are currently reading is titled “Adopted for Life” by Russell D. Moore.  (Any interested parties can click the picture on the right for a link.)  No matter where you are on you journey with Christ, and regardless of what you feel He has called you to concerning adoption for you and your family, this book is a must-read, as Dr. Moore explores the relationship between our extending love to a lost world (specifically children) and God’s own expression of love to us while we were but lost children.  Here is one of our favorite excerpts:

You may be wondering whether this [book] will be about the doctrine of adoption or “real” adoption. Well, one of the things that we’ll be discussing is the fact that you can’t talk about the one without talking about the other. Also, it is not as though we master one aspect and then move to the other—from the vertical to the horizontal or the other way around. That’s not the picture God has embedded in his creation work.

The Bible tells us that human families are reflective of an eternal fatherhood (Eph. 3:14-15). We know, then, what human fatherhood ought to look like on the basis of how Father God behaves toward us. But the reverse is also true. We see something of the way our God is fatherly toward us through our relationships with our own human fathers. And so Jesus tells us that in our human father’s provision and discipline we get a glimpse of God’s active love for us (Matt. 7:9-11; cf. Heb. 12:5-7). The same is at work in adoption.

On a different note, many of you have been asking about info on fundraising, as well as offering to help, and we really appreciate it!  We have several ideas that we are getting together, including an original song, t-shirts, a yard sale, and maybe even a 5k.

Thanks for your continued prayer and support.  This would not be possible without you!

Nathan, Kimberly, and Caitlyn

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why "Bringing the Nations Home?"

Nathan here.  Just spent the last couple of days learning the ways of blog design.  Hope it works for everyone.  So here goes...

As I said in our "About Me" section, the purpose of our blog is to update friends and family about the adoption process we have just begun.  It is a humbling goal, and one which we do not accept lightly.  Because we have not had the opportunity to sit down with many of you personally, I would like to take this moment to share with you what led us to this decision to adopt.

If you know Kimberly or me at all, you know that we have been involved in missions for many years now.  Each of us have served on several short-term mission trips over the past few years, and we, individually and together, have considered a longer commitment to serving the nations. (After all, it is Christ's Great Commission.)  We started the paperwork with the International Mission Board a few years ago, only to feel that it was not time to sell it all and move overseas yet.  So that brings us to the title of our blog: Bringing the Nations Home.  I think that sometimes we as Americans feel that to "make disciples of all nations (ethne)...," we have to go to them.  Sometimes, this is true, because not everyone will have the ability or opportunity (or even the desire) to get here.  But isn't sharing your faith with the Haitian woman at the grocery store the same thing?  It is still reaching the nations (ethnic groups).  Furthermore, why can't we tackle this issue of unwanted orphans (domestic and international) head-on and pour out our God-given mercy and love on them, raising them up in the precepts of God?  I'm not saying every American couple should apply for adoption tomorrow, but I am saying that even the poorest of us have more resources and capabilities than most of the world does.

So why Korea?  You know... sometimes, God just puts something on your heart that you just can't shake.  And when someone else has that same thing on their heart, it only reinforces what you think He's already showing you.  Neither Kimberly nor I have ever felt drawn to serve specifically to Asian people before.  I can pinpoint specific moments in my life when God opened my eyes and my heart to various geographical and ethnic groups--first Africa, then South America, then Europe, etc.--but I have never felt that same passion toward people of Eastern Asia.  Not that their lostness doesn't bother me, but that I never really saw myself spending my life with them in their countries.  So in some ways, it's curious that we both desire to adopt and disciple a Korean child over other countries we could have chosen, but I like to think that this is just one more sanctifying step in this process of our hearts breaking for the nations.

All that being said, I don't want you to think that this adoption is all about the hoped salvation of a young Korean boy, although that is part of it.  Any of you reading this that have children of your own know the incomparable joy that a son or daughter brings to your life.  This is a joy that we have come to know personally over the last 3 years, and it is something that we both want to experience in an even greater way by choosing to love a child that has no biological connection to us, a child that we shouldn't necessarily be expected to love, but that we do anyway, even now.  And I think it will also enhance our understanding of what God did for us by delivering us from a world of being unwanted and shameful, and giving us a home overflowing with security and belonging.

We are so thankful for your support as our brothers and sisters, and we desire your prayers and encouragement throughout this entire ordeal.  Please partner with us in bringing a child to this part of the world and discipling him (or her) in the ways of the one true God.

In Christ,

Nathan, Kimberly, and Caitlyn Neely