Thursday, January 26, 2012

Exciting News!!

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:27

Hello faithful friends! It's been a while since our last post, but please know adoption stuff is moving forward. Over the past two months, we've been finishing up all of our paperwork and our last couple of meetings with our social worker to have the homestudy complete. We should have it mailed off by the middle of next week, I'm praying! Also, before I forget, I realize I never gave the update on how the pampered chef fundraising party went. We sold over a thousand dollars worth of merchandise and, after receiving our promised 10%, we held a check of $175! Praise the Lord! Every little bit counts and we are thankful for each $1 given toward bringing these children home! Thank you to all of you who hosted, prayed, and gave to make the Pampered Chef Fundraising Event a success. We are forever grateful!

Now, onto some more exciting news!! We received an email this morning stating that we needed to send our paperwork to the country as soon as possible! AND that we could possibly be traveling in October! That's definitely earlier than we were planning. To be completely honest, I'm not sure I've felt my heart leap this way in quite awhile.. maybe since I found out I was pregnant with Caitlyn. Seriously! I truly believe God has been preparing my heart in VERY specific ways this week so I would be more than ready to say what was needed to the orphanage regarding the number of children we hope would be chosen for us. **I need to say that Nathan's faith is so continuously strong and I learn from him daily. He has not once seemed the least concerned about bringing more than one child home. I cannot say the same for myself.. hence this story!** One specific way God has been preparing me this week is through a book which many of you have heard of, if not read, called Kisses from Katie. There is no doubt God kept me up reading this book last night in order to help me get ready to hear His call this morning. I praise Him for His plans are perfect. His timing is perfect. He is so good. In the midst of excitement or in the midst of heartache, He is good. Today it is excitement! Pure, raw excitement. I have just been giddy.

Last night, as I was reading Katie's book, I saw more of my heart which still holds selfish, American priorities.  Thank you, Jesus for pointing out my sin. Katie is from Brentwood, TN (a couple hours north of here), 22 years old, living in Uganda, started a non-profit ministry to sponsor village kids who don't have enough money to attend school (let along enough food, most of them), and has since adopted 14 girls. I can't do her story justice without typing up the whole thing, but I'm sure I will share some bits and pieces that have touched my heart at different times along this journey. Last night, after reading more about her life I was once again brought to a place of surrender. Who am I living my life for? Me or Him? Oh, Lord, may it be You. May it be you every moment of every day.

So, Nathan and I said.......... TWO. Lord willing, two beautiful children, made in His image for us to love and cherish. For us to teach and share the love of our Savior. How great it is to be loved.

Two! Some moments two sounds crazy to me, others it sounds like not much. Especially when you think of the need and when you think about Jesus. ;) If Katie can care for 14 of her own, invite more than 100 kids over each weekend to feed, have bible study, shower, and sleep.. among the many from the villages she helps nurse back to health in her own home- SURELY I, living in America with tons of resources at my fingertips, can care for two children who don't even know what it's like to be a kid, let alone have a mommy or daddy to hold them when they're scared or have a boo-boo or to even put food into their mouths. See, the great thing is, is that He is sufficient. I hear Him saying that I don't have to be afraid; that He sure isn't pacing the floors worried about it.. Just obey Me. Show those kids My love and I'll do the rest.

Therefore, would you join with us as we pray fervently for the funds needed to bring two children home? We need around $3000 per child ASAP ($3000 by April, the other $3000 by June) to send for the lawyer to process the paperwork overseas. In addition, we still need around $7,000 for travel, shots, passports, more paperwork, etc.

Stay tuned for updates about fundraisers! I think I see a pancake breakfast in our near future.... =)

Thank you again and forever for your wonderful, consistent support! We learn from Acts 2 that the body of Christ is one of God's ways of tangibly providing the needs of His people. By His grace, we can accomplish great things together!!

I will leave you with a quote from Katie:

"Adoption is wonderful and beautiful and the greatest blessing I have ever experienced. Adoption is also difficult and painful. Adoption is a beautiful picture of redemption. It is the gospel in my living room. And sometimes, it's just hard." (emphasis mine)

Until they are home,

Kimberly on behalf of the Neelys


  1. This is so wonderful to read!! :) So excited for your family!

  2. I heard that book was great! Its the next one on my list to read!
    Exciting things to come for yall! We will be praying!

    1. It is SUCH a great book. I love "going back to Africa" in my mind as I read. God has used her story to open my heart much wider than it was before. Thanks for praying!!
