"Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His name; give to Him glorious praise! Say to God, 'How awesome are Your deeds! So great is Your power that Your enemies come cringing to You. All the earth worships You and sings praises to You; they sing praises to Your name.' Selah. Come and see what God has done; He is awesome in His deeds toward the children of man. He turned the sea into dry land; they passed through the river on foot. There did we rejoice in Him..." Psalm 66:1-6
I want SO MUCH to show you their pictures, however we have chosen to wait until they are officially Neelys to do so. (so, a couple/few more months) BUT, I can't leave you without anything, so here is a crop of our son's hands and a bit of our daughter's forehead. See.. precious!!
Notice the bears in the background!! It's just so exciting that they can hear our voices. I hope the orphanage workers won't be too annoyed by them. Haha.
Our sweet friend over at gracenotwasted was so kind to take video and pictures of our precious babies. She held them and loved on them we will be forever grateful! She also has had some crazy/amazing things to say about her journey so far! I encourage any of you who want to know what our journey might look like to head over to her blog and read the past 4 posts. WOW. Needless to say I know specifics to be praying already!! I spent two months in West Africa and it was life changing. Many of the things she mentions reminds me of my journey, however I can definitely say it was not as dangerous!! Check it out.. but be fore-warned.. it's a difficult read (emotionally!).
Now that we have a direction in which to go, we've been surveying our finances and are excited to share with you all that we've raised $16,000 of our (now) $20,000 goal!!! PRAISE OUR GREAT GOD! He truly owns a cattle on a thousand hills.. and all the hills the cattle stand on! (Thanks, Dr. Robinson at UM for always reminding us of this!)
SO .. we are on the Journey to the Finish Line.. of the start line (haha!). Seasons, seasons. We are thankful that we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel for this season, however we are SO very grateful for this journey of waiting. It has been hard, so hard. I love how each season of life and sanctification brings about a different, but deeper (in ways) faith journey. God is so faithful! We know we still have a few months to go, and let me tell you, after seeing pictures, it will be a looong few months. =)
This "journey to the finish line" led me to think and pray about how we might raise this last $4,000 that will allow us to travel to bring our babies HOME. Remembering an idea from the adoption conference I attended back in March led me to the launch of our next (and possibly LAST) fundraiser:
We are asking each family that feels led by the Lord to click our "donate" button on the top right side of our blog and donate $10 to help bring our babies home!
Also- if you would like to go further, please share this vision with others that might be interested in supporting us!
If you feel led to help us to this finish line, we want you to know that we are so very grateful to you and your family. We pray God's richest blessings on you.
Please remember that we covet your prayers most of all! Please continue to pray for us and for our babies that are many, many miles away. We cannot thank each of you enough for your love and support.
Praying and sharing with friends. :) So very exciting and wonderful. I'm so glad you got pictures!